Go Go Bars -- CLICK for Bar Girls Report
The night life in Pattaya Thailand is incredible and Thai Go Go Bars with beautiful sexy Thai Go Go bar girls are a prominent feature of the entertainment available in Pattaya. It will be difficult to believe the tales told by some men who have been spending their holidays trekking the Go Go Bars in Pattaya Thailand year after year unless you get yourself on a plane and come over here.
Top Ten Bars
Who would be qualified to choose the top ten Go Go Bars out of the astounding number of Go Go Bars that are just waiting for your big fat wallet? One man's paradise could be another man's hell.
Judging the quality of a Thai bar will be a result of your own personal taste and the experience you have in the bar and that can be varied.
Some DJ's in these bars spin Rock in Roll some favour Pop and others a mix of disco and house music. Some ignore the apparent music preferences of the customers and play just what the girls like.
The Go Go Bar Girls
Most of these Thai Go Go Girls are beautiful, friendly and love to have fun. Some are great dancers. From outside the bar a girl might take you by the hand usher you inside and sit with you. There is no need to feel obliged to buy her a drink or sit too long with her if you don't fancy her.
She will sense your lack of interest and probably ask "Which one you like? I give for you". When you see a girl who you fancy at the go go bar indicate to her that you would like her to join you.
For a step by step blow by blow (no pun intended) description about how to approach the bar girls in Thailand, and have a Pattaya girlfriend adventure in fact everything you need to know about Thai girls has been researched and presented in this Pattaya bar girls guide.
Reading it, will transform your visit to Thailand into an unforgettable outrageous experience. The book will cost you less than a night out for two at Mac's but reading it could save you ten times the price of the book. It could even save your life. Go check it out now.
Go Go Bar Operating Hours
Most of the Go Go Bars open after 6.00pm although there are a few that open early afternoon around 1:00pm if you are feeling coquettish and in the mood for some eye candy. The early openers usually run two shifts of girls.

Dress Code For You
Casual neat clothing such as T shirt, shorts and sandals are acceptable for men. Long trousers and a short sleeve shirt with a collar will get you more points. The Thais appreciate neat dressers.
The go go dancers in the Go Go Bars will be wearing a mixture of intimate apparel such as see through chemise sets, nighties, bikinis, garters and sometimes just a birthday suit. On one occasion I bought two good quality chemise sets for two gorgeous girls who had helped me track down a friend. Their enthusiastic appreciation is fondly remembered.
Tip: If you are going to a go go bar with intention of chatting up a girl shave those prickles off your dial ( face ) and apply an after shave lotion with a nice aroma. You will be well rewarded for your effort.
If you prefer to dress shabby and present yourself like you have just got out of the Thai slammer ( jail ) you could find the girl of your choice just might expect more money for having to appear in public with someone she and her colleagues class as a hobo.
The often repeated phrase "they don't care what you look like as long as you have the money" is not entirely true. Get more information like this in the free Pattaya Reports. Yes the info is free. Go there now and get it before the webmaster changes his mind and starts charging for it.
Go Go Girl Enhancers
The more beautiful looking of these go go bar girls are of course more popular. Some have two customers maybe more in one night and having sex becomes more of a job than a fun and sensual experience. Some western men help their partners overcome this problem by using an enhancement cream.
Users of the VigorelleT brand of female enhancement cream report excellent restoration of youthful sexual intensity, and experiences that are new and exceptionally conducive to orgasm. And now to even the score for men Hard as a Rock Erection Gel.
Buying a Lady's Drink
The girls are paid a salary to dance in the bar. They are also paid a commission on drinks bought for them by a customer. This is called a lady's drink.
A lady's drink is usually a small glass of soft drink which will cost you around 90 to 130 baht per glass. A bottle of sprite ( two glasses of soft drink) costs 7 baht in the supermarket.

If you like the one you are with buy her a lady drink. She will appreciate it immensely. It will help her to relax with you.
She will understand that you are not a cheap Charlie and you will probably get a more hands on experience. Don't bring your own Sprite from outside. Just joking.
Be clever and ask "How much is a lady's drink?" so that you don't get caught with a big surprise when it comes time to pay your bill. In some clubs, if the lady doesn’t sell a certain amount of drinks for the night, then the balance is deducted from her salary.
You know in chapter 6 of the:
Pattaya Bar Girls downloadable 110 page report
there are 28 important issues covered to help you make sure you have a trouble free experience in the go go bars. Go check it out.
How to Save Money on a Lady's DrinkChoosing A Go Go Dancer
If you have surveyed all the go go dancers on stage and have decided you would like one to join you but are too shy to tell her directly you could ask one of the waitresses or the mammasan to invite her to sit with you. Some times a smile is enough to invite her over. [The mammasan is the manageress of the girls, usually an older woman.
Take your time making your decision. Most of the Go Go Bars employ about 30 to 40 dancers. Each one will take a turn to dance in the on stage line up of 6 to 12 girls depending on the size of the bar.
Each girl dances for 10 to 15 minutes per cycle. If you want to take a dancer from the bar the "Bar Fine"is usually 500 baht for short time and 1,000 baht for long time. What is the difference between short time bar fine and long time? Both are negotiable, short time allows you to take the dancer to a hotel nearby, maybe your hotel, or if available use a room on the premises for one hour.
Depending on what you would like to do with your nightlife companion, establishing an agreement on how you would like your long time to pan out often requires some experience or knowledge of the quirkiness of the bar girl industry.
Pattaya Show Girls
Some Go Go Bars operate a two tier bar fine system. This is similar to the Thai Massage parlor system of "ordinary girls" and "super girls". Two bars that have implemented this system are" Heaven Above" and "Club Electric Blue". Here we have Go Go Dancers and Show Girls. The Dancers are just as you would find in most decent go go bars.
The Show Girls are great dancers and as you would expect put on a high energy show. They dress provocatively and the night we visited the go go bar it seemed that each girl had chosen her attire to suit her personality. They are also taller than the dancers. At the time we inspected these bars there were only about six or seven Show Girls at each establishment.
Bar fine: Dancers 600 baht Show Girls 1,000 baht.
Blow Job Bars
The non intended pun in the "Girls" section above has initiated the need to mention the blow job bars in Pattaya Thailand. There are some bars specifically for that purpose. One that has been highly recommended is the Billion Bar in Soi Pattayaland Two.
The chance of scoring a chick in Pattaya is guaranteed. And the chance of linking up with a stunning babe is also guaranteed. But the chance of the encounter turning out the way you would want it to is not. That is one of the 116 reasons why you should read Pattaya Bar Girls Report before you come to Thailand.
In the "Blow Jobs" chapter I learned why I wasn't getting what I thought I would. That has changed now. Bill Williams has thoroughly researched BJ's in Pattaya. He exposes all the tricks and reasons why you can end up not getting what you "came" for.
At The Billion Blow Job Bar you will pay less than most other bars for the complete service. The service is also performed at many other bars that do not promote a blow job as their speciality. Often it is up to the bar girl.
Bar Girl Photos & Videos
You have probably seen lots of photos of bar girls on the internet or perhaps one of your friends has been to Thailand and taken lots of photos or videos of sexy bar girls during his visit.
One word of warning about taking photos of Thai bar girls or go go dancers inside the bars. Most owners of the go go bars in Thailand strictly prohibit the taking of any photos or videos of the girls inside the bars.

The consequences could be catastrophic without prior arrangement with the management of the particular establishment. You might get some more interesting shots of your girl inside your hotel room. Here is a great e-Book about taking intimate or nude photos of your girl or any lady.
All that said, bring along your mobile phone or a robust digital camera, preferably one that slips into your pocket for easy concealment. You will find plenty of photo shoot opportunities in the Land Of Smiles.
Criteria For Best Go Go Bar
As previously mentioned on this website judging the worth of a go go bar really depends on your own personal preferences. With out prejudice, at the bottom of this page, we have arranged a list of the best ten Go Go Bars based on feed back from our research crew of foreigners.
We have not listed our favorite bar. "Why" you might ask. Well I feel if we tell every horney man who views this website then our favourite go go bar will be stampeded. Right now it is full of charming, dying to please, fun loving provocative dancers who enjoy close interaction with the patrons.
Judgment is based on the following criteria;
- The appearance and attitude of the go go dancers.
- The quantity of girls of good appearance and good character.
- The on stage performance of the girls.
- The fair price of a drink.
- The type of music played.
- The attitude of the service staff.
- The management and general atmosphere of the establishment.
But you know what? One researcher of the Pattaya night life has written about our favorite bar in this report. If you want to have a unique experience then don't hesitate to purchase this e-Book. It has twelve chapters that reveal 116 issues that you should know about before you come to Pattaya.
It will also turn you on to a bundle of methods to court the girls, avoid the traps and get the best value for your dollar during your holiday in Pattaya. View it here
No Smoking In Go Go Bars
That's right, some time ago, the Thai health officials banned cigarette smoking in air-conditioned public places. One night, soon after the law was implemented, I was having a perv at one of my favorite go go bars in South Pattaya.
Suddenly my eyes began to water and blur a little. Smoke was interrupting my visual experience. I don't know about you, but I like to have 100% visibility when I'm pursuing my favorite pastime. I looked over my shoulder and saw three tourists sucking away on their cancer sticks.
"Screw this!" I thought, and went outside for some fresh air. This action is usual practice for me when irritated by cigarette smoke. There were two Thai men at the door. One asked me what I was doing and I answered, "Too much smoke".
He disappeared quickly. "Whoops" I thought to myself, "I've literally blown someone's smoke-screen" I asked the other doorman where his colleague had gone. He said, "Must stop smoke or police fine us"
Later one of the girls told me that the police raided the bar the previous night. The owner of the go go bar was fined 20,000 baht and the smoking customers were fined 1,000 baht each.
So you see, back then the police were diligently implementing this law. The bar operators were trying their hardest to avoid the fines. This is not the case today and things have returned to normal for now. TIT.
Top Go Go Bars
Here are our recommendations for the top Go Go Bars in Pattaya. Keep in mind that although this list has been created as a result of the information gathered and guided by the seven criteria in the list above all these things can change. However the majority of Go Go bars in the list have been operating their business model successfully for quite some time. In some cases a few years or more. Your experience in a Go Go Bar will also depend upon your approach, knowledge of the local customs and understanding of the Thai bar girl culture.
Go Go Bar Name | Location |
Annabelle's | Walking Street |
Windmill Club | Soi Pattayaland |
Heaven Above | Soi Diamond |
Mistys | Soi 15 off Walking Street |
Champagne a Go Go | 33/126 Soi L K Metro |
Tahitian Queen | Beach Road South Pattaya |
Tim (inactive) | Beach Road South Pattaya |
Club Electric Blue | Soi 15 Walking Street |
Peppermint A Go Go | Walking Street South Pattaya |
Living Dolls | Walking Street South Pattaya |