Indoor Shows-Transvestites-Ladyboys

Pattaya has some state of the art live performance theaters and hundreds of performers; men, women, ladyboys (transvestites), to entertain you. Two of the most popular theaters are transvestite or ladyboy shows and schedule three to four shows per day. There is also a smaller venue on Second Road opposite the Avenue Shopping Complex that features ladyboy / shemale performers.
The Most Beautifu Ladyboys, Travsvestites [Kathoeys] in Thailand
Alcazar Show
78/14 Second Rd. (opposite Carlton Hotel) Note: Alcazar not Alkazar
Operating for over twenty years Alcazar is one of the most famous katoey ( transvestite ) shows in Thailand.
The professionally designed theatre and state of the art equipment allows the show to be a lavish and classy production. You will see many set changes and a mega wardrobe of creatively tailored costumes. You will need to book your seat as endless bus loads of Korean and Chinese tourists patronise the show daily. Usually there are three 70 minute shows each day. You can purchase your ticket at one of the many booking agents in town or at the Alcazar theatre office on Second Road.
View Video of Alcazar ShowHave fun after the show where outside the theatre you will have an opportunity to meet the ladyboy (transvestite) stars of the show. You can have your photo taken with a Thai ladyboy.
This could cost you from 100 baht up.
Daily: 18:30, 20:00 and 21:30
On Saturday nights there is an added performance at 23:00.
The Pattaya e-book "After-The-Rush" describes how one surprised tourist became part of the show.
Tel: 038 428746 Fax:038 424939
You must pick up and pay for your ticket at least one hour before show time.
Entry Fee:
600 baht for a seat in the first five rows and 500 baht for any other seat.
More About Thai Transvestites / Ladyboys
Tiffany's Show
Located at 7/464 Moo 9, Second Rd.
A transvestite show with over 100 ladyboy performers. The show was first established back in the 1970's on a small stage in South Pattaya. You will also see lots of costumes in Tiffany's presentation.
The theatre staging and props are not as high tech as Alcazar ladyboy show. You will see more skin at this show. Meaning some of the ladyboy costumes are rather revealing.
This presentation is also very popular with Chinese and Korean visitors who arrive in bus loads. It is advisable to book ahead to insure you get a good seat.
Each year the Miss Tiffany contest is held to discover the most beautiful Pattaya ladyboy or transvestite.
More Ladyboys -Travsvestites [Katoeys] in Thailand
Daily: 18:00, 19:30, 21:30, and 22:00
An extra show is staged on holidays at 17:30
You are advised to call the booking office to confirm the current show times.
Tel: 038 421700-5, 038 429642
Fax: 038 421711-2
Entry Fee: 450 baht for a seat in the first five rows and 350 baht for any other seat.
Tina Malibu Show
Corner of Second Road and Soi Post Office Tel: 038 428667

This is a fun show for all the family. Impersonations such as Elvis, Tina Turner and Madonna had the eyes of two ten year olds fixed on the performers.They loved it. Our friend Bill did too and he is over 50. The majority of acts are mimed.
You will have fun guessing which of these performers are ladyboys (shemales) or transvestites. Usually at the end of the show the performers will try to engage the audience in a limbo dance competition. This provides a chance to interact with the staff and become a limbo star.
There is no cover charge for the Malibu Show and the drink prices are reasonable. It is difficult to book for the show but you could try booking a table for dinner. They will probably accept a booking for no later than 8pm. Usually it's first in best seat !
You might like to view this Malibu Show video shot during one of their performances.
The show time starts around 9:00 pm daily. Then again, if there are enough people at the venue, from about 11:30 pm finishing at 1:00 am
Tel: 038 428667
Not usually accepted.
But you could try calling this telephone number; Tel: 038 428667