Ladyboy Malibu Show - The Great Pretender
As well as the show time extravaganzas such as Alcazar in Pattaya there are smaller cabaret style shows near the main bar areas. One that comes to mind is the Malibu bar on Second Road .
This is a fun show for all the family. The cast of the Malibu Show is made up of men, woman and ladyboys. If you have had a few drinks you might have difficulty guessing the genders of the cast as they perform their varied acts.
This video clip "The Great Pretender" is performed by one of the main performers who has been with the show for more than fifteen years. The Malibu staff are relaxed and laid back and don't seem to mind if you take a few photos or videos of the show.

Impersonations such as Elvis, Tina Turner and Madonna had the eyes of two ten year olds fixed on the performers. They loved it. My friend Jim did too and he is over 50.
The majority of acts are mimed. You will have fun guessing which of these performers are transvestites. There is no cover charge and the drink prices are reasonable. It is difficult to book for the show but you could try booking a table for dinner.
Malibu will probably accept a booking for no later than 8pm. Usually it's first in best seat! At the end of the show the Malibu performers will call for audience participation so if you are shy sit at the back. This often includes a limbo competition, a traditional popular dance contest that originated on the island of Trinidad. How low can you go? It's a fun venue.