Soapy Massage Parlors Pattaya Thailand
Body Massage
It is difficult to estimate how many Thai soapy massage parlors can be found in Pattaya. We have listed 23 soapy massage parlors in our directory. This sexy massage service is unique to Thailand. You can also indulge in an oil massage at any of these Pattaya massage parlors. Here is our sex massage parlor review.
At these sexy massage parlors you can engage the services of a very pretty masseuse for one, one and a half, two or three glorious hours depending on how much money you are willing to spend.
The massage service is in house and well worth sampling if you have never had the soak, slip and slide soapy massage experience. Also referred to as the sandwich massage when you take on two girls. That's a threesome isn't it?
The Soapy Massage Room
If you decide to have one of these massages your pretty lady will escort you to a well appointed room that has a large bed with strategically placed mirrors, a bath large enough for two bodies and a single inflated rubber mattress. Sound like fun?
How to Have Two Girls for the Price of One
Choosing Your Soapy Massage Girl
Choosing a girl in the Thai massage parlor is fun. Just sit down and relax for a few minutes and observe the girls seated behind the glass wall (In the fish bowl).
Within a few minutes two or three massage girls will make eye contact with you, smiling and using a unique body language to indicate that they are the girls for you.
If you can't make up your mind which massage lady to choose then you could ask one of the attendants who will be close by. Sometimes the attendants hover too close and can become annoying. There is a suitable face saving work around for this issue that Bill Williams discusses in his e-Books. Just Google "Bill Williams Pattaya".
Each massage girl will have a plastic number clipped to her attire so you can tell the attendant which number(s) you would prefer. In some massage parlors they use different colored number tags to indicate a different price range. For example at The Honey Massage in Soi 11 off Second Road a Blue tag would signify 1,500 baht and a reg tag 2,000 baht. However take your time and enjoy the eye contact and body language.
If you strike up a rapport with one of the attendants who are fluttering around he or she might know the various attributes and skills of the girls so you can just tell the attendant your preferences. When you make a decision, the massage parlor attendant, sometimes using a microphone, will call the massage girl's number over the speaker which is located in the massage girls seating area (In the gold fish bowl).
The girl will come out to meet and sit with you. You have a chance to chat for a few minutes or go direct to the massage room. When I go for a soapy, if I haven't taken a massage with the girl before then this is the golden moment that will help me decide whether or not I want to continue to the room.
Usually the fee is paid before you go to the room with your chosen massage girl.
Are Soapy Massage Parlors in Pattaya Worth the Time?
Now this is an often asked question posted on forums that discuss and report about soapy massage encounters. Reading several forums myself I found that more than 70% of the posts were reporting a "negative" experience.
Why would that be?
We all know these massage parlors are businesses set up to make money. The girls are trained to perform a service following a set procedure which to the customer, who has not put a bit of effort into choosing the right girl, can seem very mechanical. If you want to guarantee that your soapy massage experience will be an erotic adventure of the heavenly kind then there are a few steps that you might like to indulge in before you go to the private room with your massage girl.
Think about this; the massage girls are sitting on the stage or behind a glass petition. I should mention here that a few of the larger massage parlors have now removed the glass partitions. Strangely enough I find that less confronting. The stage or glass petition kind of makes them inaccessible, doesn't it? Capable of being reached only with great difficulty or not at all.
There they all are waiting for their next customer. Ever wondered what thoughts might be turning over in their minds? Suppose her previous customer was a bad experience for her. Is she going to drag that bad experience along with an attitude into your 90 minute session?
Let The Performance Begin
The first round of your encounter usually begins in the bath tub where you will have every part of your body thoroughly sponged.
Next your accomplice will invite you to lay on the rubber mattress where she will soap you up again. It can seem to be a bit mechanical if you haven't implemented a strategy to avoid this feeling of following procedure.
If you put concentrated effort into choosing the right massage girl in the beginning then you will be in for an experience you will be happy to remember for a long time after you return to your country. Enter the "soapy" massage.
After twenty minutes or so (or maybe longer if you have read "PBGR") of being slid all over and under by her soapy naked body you will have your soapy suds washed off, a rub down with a towel and the two of you should usually adjourn to the bed.
Top 3 Soapy Massage Parlors in Pattaya
- PP Body Massage 92/26-2 8 Moo 9 Soi Jirapon Off 3rd Road Tel:038 411111
- Sabaidee Massage 435/52 Moo 9 2nd Road Sabai Group Tel: 038361660
- Honey 2 Body Massage. Second Rd.., opposite Central Marina Shopping Mall
If you come to Pattaya for a holiday take my advice and indulge yourself with one of these glorious erotic soapy massages.
A good soapy massage is an experience that you will remember for a long time. For some cool advice on making the encounter a successful one I highly recommend reading the e-Book by Bill Williams.
Accommodation Tip:
Want to stay in a nice hotel just 5 minutes walk from the top two Pattaya Soapy Massage Parlors?
- Quiet with ocean views.
- Walk 2 minutes to "Subway" sandwich bar and "Burger King".
- Just 10 meters from the beach.
Book this hotel on line and save 40% on the "walk-in" room rate.

By the way I'm not joking when I say two or three girls. We call this a sandwich massage. Thailand is the spot to make your dreams come true if you have ever thought about a threesome or sandwiches. Just download the e-book we call The Bar Babes Bible and you will find out how easy it is to bring this dream to reality with out even going to a massage parlor. Of course you will have to come to Thailand where the Thai massage girls are.
For more detailed information such as "tried and tested", "how much", "where when", "do's and don't's inside the parlor" and "the whole experience" the e-book Pattaya Bar Girls Report is a must read. The information in this e-book will turn your holiday into an unforgettable experience and save you a lot of money. If you really want to know how to get it right, avoid the traps and cheats, download the book.