Thailand Bar Girls - Pattaya Bar Girls
So you want to know about Thailand bar girls. First I will define which Thailand girls fit the Thailand bar girls category I refer to on this web site. Any Thai girl who works in a Go Go Bar , Short Time Bar or Beer Bar which offers the girls for escort service. On each occasion a bar fine is paid to the bar and a private fee paid to the girl for her service. Freelancers are not included in this discussion and in Pattaya, are usually found along the esplanade of Beach Road.
Freelancers are more likely to steal from you because you don't know where they come from. If you have a problem with a Thai bar girl you have a chance to sort it out by contacting the owner of the bar where she works. A Freelancer could be operating solo because she has a health problem, something to hide, like STD or in worst case HIV.
Most venue operators who employ bar girls require their girls to have regular check ups for STD’s. No check up, no work. Some bar owners fine their girls for not having the mandatory check up. If they contract a disease they are not permitted to work until the problem is fixed. Remember HIV doesn’t get fixed.
The majority of Thai bar girls are found in Pattaya, Bangkok and Phuket.
We think without a doubt that Thailand bar girls are the most beautiful of all the asian bar girls. If you have come to this bar girl page searching for lots of photos of Thailand bar girls then go to this site where the creators have done an excellent job of capturing real Asian bar girls
To provide you with more information about ThailandA bar girls we have taken the following extract from our Pattaya Bar Girls e-book.
Choosing The Right Thailand Bar Girls
As mentioned there are three types of bars where these beautiful bar girls work.
Go Go Bars - Short Time Bars - Beer Bars
When ever I enter a bar with the idea of chatting up a bar girl I will always take a quick visual of all the free (unoccupied) bar girls in the bar then choose the girl I am most attracted to.
Executing this choice can sometimes be difficult as usually there will be one girl who will take your hand as soon as you walk in the door if not before. In this case you must be assertive while saving face of the girl who virtually jumped on you the minute you entered the bar. Of course this will not be a problem if the first girl turns out to be the bar girl you fancy anyway.
However if you eyeball a stunner who is free let your captor know the stunner is the one you would like to communicate with. Let her go gently with a squeeze of the hand or a hug depending on her body language and go for your choice. This is important. Don't just flick her off. If the bar girl who took your attention sees you are a kind and caring person it will heighten your chances of a good rapport.
Again it will also help save face for the bar girl who lost her meal ticket. [more]
Thailand Bar Girls Talk
Once the lady of your choice is sitting beside you the conversation might take on the style of a mild interrogation.
Where you come from? |
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These questions may seem dull and boring conversation to you especially if it is not your first night in a Pattaya Bar or some other bar in Thailand. However this gathering of information especially the first and last two questions will help your new acquaintance to determine the value of her catch.
Knowing your nationality will help her remember you. John from England, Ronnie from Scotland, Hans from Germany.
If your relationship becomes serious and her best friend or sister has visited or lives in your country it will help her make a decision later if you should invite her to your country.
Knowing how long you intend to stay in Thailand indicates how much time your bar girl has to drain your wallet.
Knowing how long you've been in Thailand allows her to guess your street wiseness.
Most Thailand bar girls seem skilled at this kind of patter however if you attempt to carry on a conversation outside these boundaries you might notice that your bar girl is nodding her head a lot and seeming to agree with every sentence you utter.
This strange phenomena occurs because the bar girl doesn't understand a single word you are saying. This language deficit becomes a problem for any foreigner hooked up in a relationship with a Thailand bar girl.
Quite often it is the poor communication which leads to misunderstanding then disputes or arguments and finally the failure of the relationship.
The solution to this communication barrier would have to be implemented by the foreigner. That means you would have to find a way salvage the relationship through language.
How Do You Speak To A Thai Bar Girl?
Thai is difficult for most holiday makers and even ex pats to learn but here is a very basic and simple way to learn how to speak a few words and phrases in a very short time. This method uses real Thai speakers with pictures to enforce easy recall of the word or phrase..
Listen and Learn to Speak Thai Easy.
The Most Stunningly Beautiful Thailand Bar Girls Are Not Always The Best Choice
Just sit yourself down opposite a popular short time bar with a cool drink and observe the number of times the drop dead stunner of a bar girl gets bar fined by customers. By sunset she has had five or six short times.
Walk over and approach her. Observe her attitude. Does she have a bubbly personality? Is she chatting effortlessly with you, joking and laughing SANOOK?

If you can answer "yes " to all these questions then bar fine her for yet another short time quickly before you are embarrassed by the bulge in your pants.
If the answer is "no" and she is more interested in powdering her nose or pushing the buttons on her cell phone than chatting with you then move on to one of the other bar girls.
"But she is a stunner sex personified" you might think to yourself. Forget it, turn off the pheromones. Her responsiveness and attitude will probably be the same in bed as it was when you approached her.